Thursday, April 14

ArenaNet - Guild Wars 2: Next Gen MMO that will reshape the industry as we know it.

Why Guild Wars 2 is history in the making

Over the years since that initial announcement, Guild Wars 2 has gained an avid following, the likes of which few MMOGs in development are fortunate enough to experience. The features and mechanics being announced and demonstrated by ArenaNet have astounded and delighted audiences with each new video feature or trade show demonstration.

This is a game that deserves to be watched closely. "It will be a success, and it will reshape the industry as we know it."

TenTonHammer just released an article about GW2 and it's predicted to be a great success.
Many great features, removal of  tank/healer/dps roles, avoidable attacks, no quests, underwater warfare, events and many other features are just the tip of the iceberg.

Quest logs, fetch missions, instanced dungeons, static NPCs, hotbar racks, trash loot, subpar crafting, limiting class archetypes, level grinds, gear grinds, repetitive content...

The list goes on and on, and I'm willing to bet that each of us is a bit tired of it, to some degree or another. So when ArenaNet's President, Mike O' Brien, stepped forward with the aforementioned quote, gamers everywhere stopped and took notice. And they started to hope.
If you are unfamiliar with Guild Wars 2 (even if you hated the first one), I'd recommend giving this article a read.

Innovation is a tricky business. Changing something, just for the sake of being different, is not guaranteed to yield positive results. We've seen numerous titles fail in this industry, simply because they tried thinking outside the box without actually trying to understand their customers wants and needs. It's also extremely risky because even though many of us may have grown weary of the industry's drift toward becoming a clone army, another portion of the audience (perhaps the majority, even) enjoy the familiarity that this breeds by lowering or eliminating the learning curve on new games...

"It's about who you WANT play with, not who you HAVE to play with."
The "holy trinity" is gone for good. 

Check the full article.

More about Guild Wars 2, links below.

 Races of Tyria

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