Wednesday, April 27

Rumble, the Mechanized Menace - New LoL Champ

Even amongst yordles, Rumble was always the runt of the litter. As such, he was used to being bullied. In order to survive, he had to be scrappier and more resourceful than his peers. He developed a quick temper and a reputation for getting even, no matter who crossed him. This made him something of a loner, but he didn’t mind. He liked to tinker, preferring the company of gadgets, and he could usually be found rummaging through the junkyard. He showed great potential as a mechanic. 
His teachers recommended him for enrollment at the Yordle Academy of Science and Progress in Piltover, where he may very well have become one of Heimerdinger’s esteemed protégés, but Rumble refused to go. He believed that Heimerdinger and his associates were “sellouts,” trading superior yordle technology to humans for nothing more than a pat on the head while yordles remained the butt of their jokes.

When a group of human graduates from the Yordle Academy sailed to Bandle City to visit the place where their mentor was born and raised, Rumble couldn’t resist the temptation to see them face-to-face (so to speak). He only intended to get a good look at the humans, but four hours and several choice words later, he returned home bruised and bloodied with an earful about how he was an embarrassment to “enlightened” yordles like Heimerdinger. 
The next morning he left Bandle City without a word, and wasn’t seen again for months.When he returned, he was at the helm of a clanking, mechanized monstrosity. He marched it to the center of town amidst dumbfounded onlookers and there announced that he would join the League of Legends to show the world what yordle-tech was really capable of, without hiding behind a foreign banner.

“Ugh, it’s gonna take forever to scrape your face off my suit!”
- Rumble

As Rumble you shall be the inferiority complex incarnate, and shall stomp on, burn, and impale everything on your path.

Rumble is a melee caster without mana, utilizing unique new resource system called Heat. All of Rumble's basic abilities cause 20 heat, which cools back down to 0 after not using any abilities for a short time.

If Rumble reaches 100 heat he overheats (Junkyard Titan -passive), dealing bonus damage with his basic attacks for a short time, but silences him for a short time.

Junkyard Titan (Passive)
When Rumble reaches 50 Heat he is in the Danger Zone granting all his basic abilities bonus effects.

When Rumble reaches 100 Heat he starts Overheating gaining (110) (+(0.3 per ability power point)) bonus magic damage on his basic attack but is unable to cast his spells for 6 seconds.

Flamespitter (Q) 
Rumble torches his opponents, dealing (40/65/90/115/140) (+(0.5 per ability power point)) magic damage in a cone each second for 3 seconds. This spell deals half damage to minions.

Danger Zone Bonus: Deals 30% bonus damage. 

Scrap Shield (W) 
Rumble tosses up a shield for 2 seconds that absorbs (50/80/110/140/170) (+(0.4 per ability power point)) damage. Rumble also gains an additional (10/15/20/25/30)% Movement Speed for 1 second.

Danger Zone Bonus: 30% increase to the Movement Speed bonus and shield health. 

Electro Harpoon (E)
Rumble shoots his opponent with up to 2 tasers, dealing (55/85/115/145/175) (+(0.5 per ability power point)) magic damage and applying a stacking slow of (15/20/25/30/35)% for 3 seconds.

Danger Zone Bonus: Deals 30% additional damage and increased slow percentage.

After using this ability you may cast it a second time at no cost within 3 seconds. 

For summoner abilities go for 

Ghost and Flash but you can also use Ignite/Cleanse/Exaust.

Masteries, use the classic 9/21/0
In the offensive tree Sorcery helps you spam your skills,along with Archaic Knowledge which allows them to be more efficient.
Henceforth,the defensive tree have jewels like Evasion and Nimbleness who enhance your dodge+give you a nice speed boost that can helps you reach for the kill many times during the game.
Tenacity will make you an unstoppable ramsteed of yordle technology.

Greater Mark of Insight x9
Greater Seal of Evasion x9 
Greater Glyph of Celerity x9

You will need that magic pen and dodge & cooldown per level will be the best stat to go with that spec.

Skill priority

1. The Equalizer 2. Flamespitter  3. Scrap Shield 
4. Electro Harpoon

-Awesome damage output
-Sustained AoE damage
-(theorically) infinite mana (energy,heat,call it what you want)
-Not that slow compared to other carries like ashe. possibility of a boost

-Easily focused (people attack what they're scared off.)
-Weak to controls (really)
-Can be very short-lived in some situations
-This towering robot will never make up for the lack of love and understanding from his peers. 
Rumble is a fun and amazing champion, don't miss him.
"Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, uuuuuuu aaaa, hot, hot, hot."